
Wexford Festival Opera

Wexford Festival Opera (WFO), an Irish institution renowned for its focus on rare and unusual operas, adopted a new approach to the cultivation of its “family” of donors, friends, and partners, taking every opportunity to understand their giving interest and ability. WFO tailored its solicitation strategy toward proactive “asks” based on specific individual interests. Stewardship was emphasized, nurturing warm, authentic, and meaningful relationships with donors based on mutual interest. Additionally, WFO cultivated “leadership” relationships with key major donors. Between 2011 and 2013, WFO generated more than €450,000 in new, increased revenue from major gifts. Gifts from major donors increased in value by an overwhelming 81 percent between 2012 and 2013 alone.

Training Program Participant

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 410        Washington, DC 20004        P: 301.314.0963     

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